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Lagon Energy ex Ocean Vagabond

From: de Coppin - Lagon Energy

Hello Peter,

As usual, here's a little feedback on the trip!
We arrived at Lagon Energy fine, but very late - 3.30am!
The next day, I was very surprised to see that most of the team had been replaced.
It's a shame because it's not the same, 
In terms of catering, the buffets are much less well-stocked than before and if you arrive a little later there's not much left to eat!
The Halloween party was nothing compared to last year!
As for kitesurfing, it's a good thing the two hotels next door aren't open yet, otherwise it would have been almost impossible to sail!
At low tide there are really too many people on the spot! My son, who is a beginner, didn't dare venture out at that time!
The service at the kite club isn't the same either!
I don't think we'll be going to Lagon Energy any more because of all this. However, I've been told about Océan Vagabond and I checked out their website, which looks great!
Do you also work with them?
What would you recommend as a destination for the Carnival holidays in 2025 at the end of February?
Cape Verde, Cabarete or Océan Vagabond?
Have a good weekend.

Jean de Coppin

